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Explore appNeura Browser Monitoring

ML Based Analytics Used by appNeura Browser Monitoring

appNeura Browser Monitoring product helps you understand various aspects of your browser’s performance like DOM Processing Time, Resource Response Time, Page Load Time, User Session Time and more, using the power of Machine Learning based analytics in the following ways.

Use the Intelligence of Machine Learning to Globally Analyze DOM Response Time.

appNeura browser product analyzes DOM response time across time period, users, sessions and pages by applying multiple machine learning algorithms.

Resource Response Time Analysis Tree Map View

Mouse on hover the box will show the type (JS, Image ,video ,CSS ) and the name of the element Which directly indicates which elements need to be looked at for improving performance.

Session Length Analysis Across User Sessions

appNeura applies sophisticated machine learning algorithms to understand various parameters across sessions, users and pages. The appNeura data model learns from the historical data and predicts user interest in the product.

Page load time Analysis

Page load time across sessions and users are analyzed using machine learning algorithms to achieve the following, easily:

– Page load time taking longer than usual and at what rate

– Clustering of pages based on the time taken – for optimization support

– Analysis of pages not loading due to network issues

Experience a powerful real user monitoring tool with the simplest dashboard at most optimal cost of ownership.

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